Like most clergy, I have this recurring dream (more like a nightmare,
really) where I'm late for worship. The
exact circumstances for my distress vary. Sometimes I can’t locate the
manuscript of my unforgettable, yet unmemorable sermon. Sometimes I can’t unlock the front door of
the church to get inside. Still other
times, I’ll still be stuck in terrific traffic when the opening hymn is
scheduled to be sung (tip: never take the George Washington Bridge to church!).
Regardless of the particulars, the overarching theme for all of these
troubling dreams is that I’m running late and, for whatever reason, simply cannot
get to the pulpit on time for the beginning of the Sunday worship service that
I’m supposed to lead.
I bring this up to you today because I had “The
Dream” again last night. Only this time,
it DIDN’T involve a misplaced sermon manuscript, or getting to the elevated
wooden pulpit on time, or anything else related to traditional Sunday morning
service in a officially sanctioned sanctuary.
Last night, for some reason, the conflict arose from my inability to get
to my live-feed, faith-based podcast
on time!
I wrote “for some reason”, but now that I think about it, I’m
pretty sure of the reason.
You see, hours earlier, I had been sitting in my favorite fast food
joint (rhymes with “Taco Bell”) when the older fella at the table in front of
mine stood up, walked over to the condiment counter, grabbed a handful of
napkins and then stashed them in his back pocket.
Or at least, he tried to.
I don’t know if the wad of napkins was too thick or his pants pocket
was too small for this mission to be accomplished. All I know is that the poor guy
tried, mindlessly and unsuccessfully, to put the same bunch of napkins into the
same back pocket 8 times in a row!
Without looking, without thinking, and without success, the man just
kept doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and
over and over again.
Sound familiar, Church?
Someone just emailed me yesterday that out of all the Annual Conferences in the whole world, ours has experienced the worst percentage drop
in worship attendance over the last 2 years!
Now, I’m no marketing expert, but the words “worst“ and “worship” should never be used in the same sentence - especially in relation to your Annual Conference. Amen?
I’m also no psychologist, so maybe when it comes to dreams, a
napkin is just a napkin. But what if a
paper napkin is really a metaphor for a manuscripted sermon, or an old wooden
pulpit, or immovable pews, or a long-robed choir singing a 250 year-old anthem
born of Mother Europe? And what if a
back pocket really represents the ever-increasing number of unchurched folk who are
living and playing but not worshipping in our communities?
Do we really wanna keep preaching the same sermons, singing the
same anthems/hymns, reading the same liturgies, following the same order of
worship, having the same meeting, conducting the same stewardship drive, scheduling
the same fundraisers, using the same evangelistic approach over and over and
over and over and over and over and over and over again without looking,
without thinking, and without success?
I wouldn’t dream of it!
Ken - You are correct in "thinking" we should travel a different road. But we are all guilty of doing the same thing over and over ad nausium thinking "it will go better this time". We have identified the problem or concern. But that is not enough. Business has taught me that if someone brings in a "concern" they should accompany it with some ideas or resolutions. However, with the church body at large or the congregation, it becomes might difficult to move. So what are suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI am in a new conference now, the New England Conference. Still searching for a new church home. Where I have been attending has some marvelous ideas. In fact, some have been proposed at my former church. They are well met here in NH and inter-generational. But still no movement at CUMC. Sometimes it is just taking the bull by the horns and saying "come on now. We're going to do this". Notice I didn't say "try this" as that seems to set one up for failure. Have a good weekend.
excellent perception of a common human straight that affects the church as well. I agree we need a new direction to create positive change!!